Understanding Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens in User Session

Understanding Access Tokens and Refresh Tokens in User Session

Photo by Ed Hardie on Unsplash


When users sign in to a website or application, a session is established to eliminate the need for repeated credential entries. This session is managed through tokens, specifically the access token. The access token serves as proof of authentication, granting users access to restricted routes or screens such as comments and logout functionalities. It's essential to note that access tokens are short-lived, designed to expire relatively quickly for security reasons. Another crucial component is the refresh token, which shares similarities with the access token but has a longer expiry period.

Why Refresh Tokens

As access tokens have a limited lifespan, users face inconvenience when they expire and are prompted to re-enter their credentials. To address this issue, a refresh token is generated. When the access token expires, the user sends the refresh token to the server for validation. If the refresh token is valid, the server issues a new set of access and refresh tokens, enabling continued access to authenticated routes. This mechanism eliminates the need for users to repeatedly enter their credentials, with the frontend seamlessly managing the process.

Token Handling Strategies

Depending on the use case, developers can opt to store the refresh token in the database or not. When not stored, validation is performed directly, and actions are taken accordingly. It's important to note that even without storing the refresh token in the database, you can implement mechanisms to validate its legitimacy by, for example, signing the token with a secret key. However, storing the refresh token in the database introduces an additional database call but adds a layer of security by validating the token's expiry and matching it with the stored token for the respective user. This extra layer of security ensures that even if the token is valid, it must be associated with the correct user to proceed.

Security Considerations

Emphasize the importance of securing both access and refresh tokens. Use secure transmission protocols (HTTPS) and consider additional security measures such as token encryption and proper server-side validation. Security should always be a top priority in token-based authentication.

Token Security Vulnerability Scenario

Consider a scenario where two users simultaneously log in and exchange their cookies obtained from the web through inspecting the browser. Both tokens become valid, but not for the intended users. When the access token expires, the refresh token is sent to the server for validation. If the refresh token is not stored in the database, the server may overlook ownership verification, potentially allowing unauthorized access. Conversely, when the refresh token is stored in the database, ownership is verified, preventing such security loopholes.

The Right Approach

The decision to store refresh tokens in the database depends on the specific use case. While the direct validation approach reduces database calls, storing tokens in the database adds a layer of security, preventing unauthorized access even when tokens are valid.


In conclusion, understanding the dynamics of access and refresh tokens is crucial for effective user session management. Choosing the right method, whether storing refresh tokens in the database or not, depends on the desired balance between efficiency and security. This approach, popularized by Hitesh Choudhary and his insightful video on access and refresh tokens, ensures a seamless and secure user experience. Remember to continually review and update security practices to align with the latest industry standards.
Check out his amazing vide on access-token & refresh-token: Youtube Video link